Biomechanical Assessments
Biomechanical Assessments to diagnose and assess injury & movement patterns in Geelong, Torquay & Ocean Grove
Biomechanics is the specialty of diagnosing, treating and managing injuries of the feet and their associated structures which all work together to produce movement.
Biomechanics is a major contributing factor in the development of pain and injury in the feet, ankles, knees and legs.
Foot and leg biomechanics incorporates a comprehensive evaluation of the structure, alignment and function of the feet and legs while standing and during walking. In terms of podiatry we are looking at the feet but we also consider the influence of the knees, hips and torso. They are all connected.
Our experienced podiatrists are highly skilled health professionals trained to detect biomechanical inefficiencies that may be the cause of your pain or may predispose you to injury.
The information gained from the biomechanical assessment and gait analysis helps our Podiatrist’s to recommend the most effective treatment program for your specific problem .
This tailored approach to assessment and treatment provides effective, targeted and prompt recovery from injury and relief of painful symptoms, so you can return to the activity you love!
A thorough Podiatry assessment includes looking at the body as a whole - and includes:
Visual gait analysis (with shoes on and off)
Joint flexibility including screening for Joint Hypermobility
Foot and leg muscle strength testing – to detect muscle imbalances and weakness
Balance and pelvic stability tests
Screening for limb length discrepancy
Reflexes in the feet and lower limbs
Functional tests such as single leg hops, star excursion balance test, core strength testing, steps test and other sports specific tests so be sure to bring your sporting gear to your appointment.