Geelong Podiatrist Amy Hawker talks custom orthotics..

Orthotics are a great device to help support the arch of the foot and prevent or reduce foot pain. They are an innersole you wear in most of your shoes. An orthotics’ role is to help redistribute force more evenly throughout your toes, feet and ankles.  Orthotics don’t have to be chunky, heavy, bulky items anymore. Hooray!

There’s new modern and innovative technology which allows us to take a 3D scan and individually design a slimline orthotic with a specific material, colour, size and shape. This is what I love about Podiatry as a balance of art, health and science comes into play. No two custom orthotics are the same just like no two feet are the same. 

It’s important to support the structures in your feet to reduce pain but it needs to be small enough to be practical (and look nice). Orthotics should ideally be worn for everyday life, and not just for a specific time when playing sport.

Orthotics should only ever be prescribed in combination with a holistic management plan such as stretches, strengthening, footwear and activity review.

One of the most common conditions we use them for is plantar fasciitis or heel pain. However, I’ve also found that many of my orthotic prescriptions are for other conditions such as Corns, Morton’s Neuromas, Bunions, Hard Skin, Loss of Nerves in the feet and Arthritis.

Its important to note that not everyone actually needs orthotics. If you want advice, or are just plain confused, book an appointment with me today to discuss your options with an expert foot specialist/Podiatrist. Orthotics are not a terrible thing when prescribed correctly and carefully! and are often a ‘conservative’ treatment modality implemented before surgery is considered. 

If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to contact me. I hope I have been able to give you an insight to orthotic indication and prescription. If you are a health professional and want more information please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. If you are a patient and want more information then please don’t hesitate to send me an email at or give me a call on 0409092298.

 Amy Hawker


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